Garhwa, Jharkhand, October 27, 2024: A tragic incident unfolded in Khardiha village, under the jurisdiction of Ranka police station, as a love affair between a brother-in-law and sister-in-law led to their deaths by suicide. The incident has shocked the entire Garhwa district, casting a pall of grief over the community.
According to local sources, Anil Yadav, a resident of the village, returned home after working outside for several months. Upon his return, he learned through neighbors that his wife, Lalita Devi, had been in a romantic relationship with his younger brother, Sunil Yadav. The affair had reportedly been the subject of gossip and Lalita was often taunted by locals over the alleged relationship.
A confrontation between Anil and Lalita ensued after he questioned her about the affair. The situation escalated, leading to a heated argument. Unable to bear the humiliation and distress, Lalita rushed to a nearby well and jumped in. Upon learning about the incident, Sunil, who was also emotionally distressed, followed suit and leaped into the well.
Villagers who witnessed the events hurried to rescue them, but unfortunately, both were already deceased by the time they were pulled out. The tragic event has left Khardiha village in mourning, with many expressing disbelief over the turn of events. Lalita Devi’s death has also left her three young children orphaned, adding to the heartache felt by the local community.
The Ranka police have launched an investigation into the matter, confirming that the case is being treated as a double suicide linked to a love affair. Authorities are gathering statements from family members and local residents to piece together the events leading up to this tragic end. They emphasized the need for sensitivity in handling the case, given the emotional distress surrounding it.
The incident has highlighted the complex dynamics of relationships within families, as well as the devastating impact of societal pressure and stigma. As the investigation continues, the community is left grappling with the loss and reflecting on the factors that led to this tragic outcome.
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