Ranchi, January 06, 2025: In a landmark initiative aimed at empowering women, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Monday transferred ₹1,415 crore into the bank accounts of 56.61 lakh women under the Maiya Samman Yojana. The state-level event, held at Namkum’s Khojatoili Training Ground, was marked by celebrations, including fireworks and witnessed a significant turnout of beneficiaries.
The funds have been allocated across five divisions in Jharkhand:
Empowering Women Through Financial Independence
Addressing the gathering, CM Hemant Soren emphasized the critical role of women in the state’s development. He stated, “The progress of any state or nation is incomplete without empowering its women. Through the Maiya Samman Yojana, we aim to provide financial independence and uplift the socio-economic status of women in Jharkhand.”
The Chief Minister highlighted that the funds could be utilized for a variety of purposes, including:
This initiative also aligns with the government’s broader agenda of ensuring social security for women in Jharkhand, empowering them to take charge of their lives and contribute significantly to the state’s growth.
Maiya Samman Yojana: A Step Towards Equality
The Maiya Samman Yojana was launched to address the economic challenges faced by women, particularly in rural and economically weaker sections of society. By transferring funds directly to beneficiaries, the scheme eliminates intermediaries, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
CM Soren noted that the initiative is not just about financial aid but also about fostering a sense of independence. “This scheme gives women the resources and confidence to dream and achieve their goals,” he said.
Region-Wise Fund Distribution
The government has meticulously planned the allocation of funds to ensure equitable distribution across the state.
The funds were transferred through a digital platform, making the process swift and secure.
Women’s Role in State Development
CM Hemant Soren lauded the women of Jharkhand for their resilience and contributions. He acknowledged their pivotal role in the state’s development and reiterated the government’s commitment to creating opportunities for them.
“Women are the backbone of society. By empowering them, we are ensuring a brighter future for Jharkhand,” he said.
The event also included testimonials from beneficiaries who expressed their gratitude and shared how the funds would help them achieve their goals.
A Model for Other States
The Maiya Samman Yojana has set a precedent for other states in India. CM Hemant Soren expressed confidence that this initiative would inspire similar programs across the country. “What we are doing today will serve as a model for others to follow,” he remarked.
By focusing on women’s empowerment, the Jharkhand government aims to bridge the gender gap and promote equality.
No Need for Dependency
The Chief Minister also addressed concerns about dependency on government aid. He encouraged women to use the funds as a stepping stone toward self-reliance.
“From now on, you can dream big and work towards achieving those dreams. This is not just financial assistance, it is an investment in your future,” he added.
In summary, the Maiya Samman Yojana is more than just a financial aid program, it is a step toward transforming the lives of millions of women in Jharkhand. By empowering them with resources and opportunities, the government is paving the way for a more inclusive and progressive society.
This initiative underscores the importance of women in the state’s development and sets a benchmark for other states to emulate.
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