Ranchi, November 30, 2024: In a significant verdict, the special Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) court sentenced Ram Binod Sinha, a dismissed junior engineer, to five years of rigorous imprisonment and imposed a fine of ₹5 lakh. The conviction relates to the high-profile MGNREGA scam in Khunti district, where funds amounting to ₹88 lakh were embezzled across 12 project schemes.
Details of the MGNREGA Scam Case
The case against Ram Binod Sinha stems from allegations of siphoning off ₹88 lakh during his tenure in the Khunti District Council. The ACB initiated investigations into the scam in 2017, uncovering a trail of corruption tied to fraudulent withdrawals from government funds earmarked for rural development schemes under MGNREGA.
Multiple Cases Filed Against the Convict
Ram Binod Sinha faced a total of 17 cases lodged by the ACB in connection to the scam. Of these, judgments have been delivered in three cases so far, while 14 others have been transferred to the special PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) court. Sinha’s conviction marks a critical step in the ongoing legal battle against corruption in public schemes.
Accumulation of Illegal Wealth
The ACB’s investigation revealed that Ram Binod Sinha accumulated illegal assets worth over ₹18.76 crore during his tenure. The dismissed engineer was accused of amassing this wealth through fraudulent activities linked to government projects.
Arrest and Judicial Proceedings
Ram Binod Sinha remained absconding for two years after the scam came to light. Following intensified efforts by the ACB, he was apprehended in Kolkata on June 18, 2020. The court’s recent ruling is part of the ongoing legal scrutiny into his fraudulent activities.
ACB’s Continuing Crackdown on Corruption
The ACB has been rigorously pursuing cases against Ram Binod Sinha, ensuring accountability for misappropriation of public funds. The conviction and sentencing in this case are seen as a deterrent against corruption in government welfare schemes.
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