Ranchi, December 20, 2024: In an effort to combat eve-teasing and ensure the safety of students, Ranchi Police organized a walk march on December 20, 2024, under the leadership of Sumit Kumar Agarwal, the Rural Police Superintendent of Ranchi. The initiative, aimed at raising awareness about eve-teasing and educating students on how to file complaints, covered both rural and urban police stations, schools, colleges, coaching institutes and girls’ hostels in Ranchi.
The walk march was designed to engage directly with students, educators and residents, offering them a platform to express their concerns regarding safety and harassment. During the march, police officers interacted with students, addressing their concerns and providing valuable information about the procedures for reporting eve-teasing incidents. The police emphasized that anyone who experiences harassment can file a complaint through the emergency numbers 100 and 112, as well as via a QR code for easier access.
Ranchi Police assured the public that all complaints would be handled with the utmost confidentiality. The force also made it clear that strict action would be taken against any police personnel found negligent in addressing such cases. The initiative aims to create a safer environment for students, particularly in educational institutions, where incidents of eve-teasing are often reported.
In addition to providing the complaint filing process, the police stressed the importance of timely reporting to prevent such incidents from escalating. By utilizing modern technology such as QR codes, Ranchi Police is making it easier for individuals to report harassment anonymously and securely.
The walk march is part of a broader initiative to raise awareness about eve-teasing and to reinforce the commitment of Ranchi Police to protecting the safety and dignity of students across the city. The police force has reiterated its dedication to swift action against any form of harassment, emphasizing that the safety of women and students is a top priority.
This march serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and community involvement in tackling eve-teasing. Ranchi Police continues to encourage citizens to report any suspicious activity and assures them that their concerns will be addressed with seriousness and respect.
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